Message from our Co-Founder & Director of Strategy and Operations, Surabhi Bhatt
As we work towards universal health coverage and achieving the SDG agenda, we all must do a better job of elevating and operationalizing our dialogues on NCDs. To meet the SDGs, development – health, economic, social – requires action on NCDs. And to foment any action, whether it is focusing on prevention programs that reduce risk factors, supporting the development of national investment frameworks for NCDs, or building NCD capacity in workforce and health systems, financial investment and resources are critical. Over the past six years, I’ve seen that financing– and the right partnerships – are key enablers and often the ‘plumbing’ in a health system. Creating more room for health in the fiscal space and public sector is already challenging enough, and financing for NCDs within a competitive environment comes with a new set of obstacles. In addition, with development assistance and funding for global health flatlining, we must also look to more non-traditional actors, including the private sector, and explore new ways of financing, especially due to the unique nature of NCDs: a multisectoral issue, often with a double-bottom line.
HFI translates economic evidence and data into actionable, high-impact investment opportunities, together with partners who have an interest in closing the global NCD investment gap. We’re trying to better delineate and discern what type of financing is needed and in what context for the most impact, given the set of stakeholders engaged and with country needs at the core. We’ve just completed some work with the WHO HL Commission for NCDs on developing and drafting a business plan for a global catalytic fund for NCDs, the first time such an idea was elevated to the global level. Encouragingly, this work has made us aware of a noticeable shift in opinion and global action on this front. HFI aims to continue harnessing and accelerating this traction for NCD investment over the coming months.
For such a ‘wicked problem’ like NCDs, HFI’s modus operandi is to be an agile knowledge broker, thinking creatively and a bit outside the box, while in parallel, supporting and strengthen existing systems and processes. We’re excited that HFI is continuing to grow, with 8 team members (meet our team below) who are working tirelessly towards its vision. They bring decades of experience in health economics and systems strengthening, management and organizational development, clinical medicine, communications and design across a diverse range of institutions such as Harvard, UCSF, NIH, World Bank, and Ministries of Health, and civil society and advocacy NGOs.
Indeed, there’s a lot of work cut out for all of us in this field. But with partners, collaborators, and supporters joining us in this critical and timely endeavor, progress can be made.
Meet our Team
First Row (Left to Right): Dr. Andrea Feigl; Surabhi Bhatt, MPH; Dr. Arian Hatefi; Aastha Sharma, MS and MSW Second Row (Left to Right): Niloofar Ganjian MPH; Jessica Simms, MA; Lizzie Nelson, BSc; Marianne Sangare, BA
Meet our Advisory Board

Left to Right: Dorje Mundle, Hafeez Ladha, Dr. Rachel Nugent, Geoffrey So, Dr. Rifat Atun
Meet our Advisory Board here!
The Second Roadblock to Financing the NCD Response
The case that NCDs are a true development issue for the poorest has not strongly been made. NCDs disproportionately affect the most vulnerable and poorest population segments, therefore, reframing and adapting strategies around issues of equity will be critical. In an anecdote from South Africa: there are some populations who wish they had HIV just so they can get access to healthcare for their NCD; but in the absence of an infectious disease, the health care offering is much lower. In other anecdotes from Cambodia and sub-saharan Africa, diabetic patients felt that their resources were more scarce than those of HIV/AIDS patients and had greater barriers to access care and treatment. According to the NCD Alliance, NCDs constrain the bottom billion in poverty and four out of five people with an NCD live in low and middle-income countries.
International aid and investments in global health, nationally and internationally, should not discriminate based on disease. Systematic development solutions should be costed and evidence-based and supplemented with donor and development partner advocacy, responsive to country demand, strongly reflective of the disease burden, and taking into account the needs of the worst off.
Launched at WHA, HFI has developed an initial roadmap of financing solutions to mobilize and optimize resources to meet the roadblocks for the NCDs response. It builds on over a decade of financing and policy analysis, as well as the detailed review of 25 NCD investment cases and interviews, including with leaders of the UN Interagency Task Force for NCDs. As part of our newsletter series, we are highlighting the ten “stops” and solutions to overcome roadblocks.
Upcoming Events
- World Heart Congress 2019, 19-20 August, Vienna, Austria, organized by Conference Series LLC LTD.
- 2nd Global Week for Action on NCDs, 2-8 September 2019, Global, organized by NCD Alliance.
- World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September 2019, Global, organized by International Association of Suicide Prevention.
- The UN High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) on Universal Health Coverage, 23 September 2019, New York City, US, organized by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
- High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development, 26 September 2019, New York City, US, organized by the United Nations (UN).
- WHO Global Meeting to Accelerate Progress on SDG target 3.4 on NCDs and Mental Health, 9-12 December 2019, Muscat, Oman, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Get Involved
We look forward to working together to move beyond the dialogue for NCDs financing to actionable steps. If you are interested in exploring opportunities to engage and partner, please contact our team:
Dr. Andrea Feigl
Founder & Executive Director
Surabhi Bhatt
Co-Founder & Director of Strategy and Operations
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